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发布日期:2015-07-14 作者: 来源:bet356亚洲版体育官网 点击:










1994- 1997年,在西北农林科技大学bet356亚洲版体育官网植物学专业学习,获硕士学位,同年7月入bet356亚洲版体育官网工作。2000年9月-2003年7月,在西北农林科技大学bet356亚洲版体育官网和中国科学院遗传与发育研究学习,获博士学位。2006年9月-2007年9月,在美国中央华盛顿大学生物系做访问学者。主要讲授《生物化学》《分子生物学》及研究生《高级生化与分子生物学》(部分)。先后主持国家自然科学基金3项、省部级重点、农业公关项目、转基因生物新品种培育重大专项-子课题多项,在New Phytologist、J.Exp.Bot.、BMC Plant Bio.、JIPB、JIA等国内外重要刊物上发表论文40余篇,授权专利3项,获省高等学校科学技术奖两项。兼任教育部生物学课程教学指导委员会委员,陕西省高等学校教学指导委员会课程类工作委员会委员,陕西省生化与分子生物学学会、植物学会常务理事。主持国家级一流本科课程 《利用基因工程改良棉纤维品质虚拟仿真实验教学课程》及省级一流课程《生物化学》的建设工作,获陕西省高等公司产品成果一等奖(第2人)。




1994- 1997年,在西北农林科技大学bet356亚洲版体育官网植物学专业学习,获硕士学位。


1)功能基因转录后加工修饰,如RNA editing、m6A、基因剪切等在纤维发育、叶色形成、植物抗逆中的作用及分子机制;















1. Wen Y. Z., He P.*, Bai X.H., Zhang H.Z, Zhang Y.F.,YU J.N*. Strigolactones modulate cotton fiber elongation and secondary cell wall thickening. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2023,doi.org/10.1016/j.jia.2023.07.009.

2.He P, Jia H.H, Xue H, Zeng Y.C, Tian L.L, Hu X.L, Chang S.F, Jiang Y.L,Yu J.N*. Expression of Modified Snowdrop Lectin (Galanthus nivalis Agglutinin) Protein Confers Aphids and Plutella xylostella Resistance in Arabidopsis and Cotton. Genes. 2022, 29; 13(7):1169.

3.Zhu L.P., Dou L.L., Shang H.H., Li H.B*.,Yu J.N*., Xiao G.H*. GhPIPLC2D promotes cotton fiber elongation by enhancing ethylene biosynthesis. iScience. 2021,24(3):102199.

4.He P., Zhang H., Zhang L., Jiang B., Xiao G.H*,Yu J.N*. GhMAX2 gene regulates plant growth and fiber development in cotton. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2021, 20(0): 2-14.

5.He P, Wu S.Y, Jiang Y.L, Zhang L.H, Tang M.J, Xiao G.H.*,Yu J.N*. GhYGL1d, a pentatricopeptide repeat protein, is required for chloroplast development in cotton. BMC Plant Biology.2019, 19:350.

6.He P., Zhang Y.Z., Liu H., Yuan Y., Wang C.,Yu J.N. *, Xiao G.H*. Comprehensive analysis of WOX genes uncovers that WOX13 is involved in phytohormone-mediated fiber development in cotton. 2019,19:312

7.He P., Yang Y., Wang Z.H., Zhao P., Yuan Y., Zhang L., Ma Y.Q., Pang C.Y.,Yu J.N.*,Xiao G.H*. Comprehensive analyses of zinc finger proteins (ZFP) and characterization of expression profiles during plant hormone response in cotton. BMC Plant Biology. 2019, 19: 329.

8.He P., Xiao G.H, Liu H., Zhang L.H, Zhao L., Tang M.J, Huang S., An Y.J.,Yu J.N*. Two pivotal RNA editing sites in the mitochondrial atp1 mRNA are required for ATP synthase to produce sufficient ATP for cotton fiber cell elongation. New phytologist. 2018,218(1), 167-182.

9.Xiao G.H,*, He P., Zhao P., Liu H., Zhang L., Pang C.Y*,Yu J.N*. Genome-wide identification of GhARF gene family reveals GhARF2 and GhARF18 are involved in cotton fiber cells initiation. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2018, 69: 4323-4337.

10.He P., Zhao P., Wang L.M, Zhang Y.Z., Wang X.S., Xiao H.,Yu J.N.*, Xiao G.H*. The PIN gene family in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum): genome-wide identification and gene expression analyses during root development and abiotic stress responses. BMC Genomics, 2017, 18(1), 507.

11.Zhang Y.Z., He P., Yang Z.R., Huang G., Pang C.Y., Xiao H.,Yu J.N.*, Xiao G.H*. A Genome-Scale Analysis of the PIN Gene Family Reveals Its Functions in Cotton Fiber Development. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8: 461.

12.He P., Huang S., Xiao G.H., Zhang Y.Z.,Yu J.N*. Abundant RNA editing sites of chloroplast protein-coding genes in Ginkgo biloba and an evolutionary pattern analysis. BMC Plant Biology, 2016, 16(1), 257.

13.Jiang Y, Fan S.L., Son M.Z.,Yu J.N.*, Yu S.X*. 2012. Identification of RNA editing sites in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) chloroplasts and editing events that affect secondary and three-dimensional protein structures. Genet Mol Res, 11(2), 987-1001.

14.Chen H.Y., Deng L.K., Jiang Y., Lu P.,Yu J.N*. 2011. RNA editing sites exist in protein-coding genes in the chloroplast genome of Cycas taitungensis. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 53(12), 961–97.

15.Han L.M.,Yu J.N.*, Ju W.F. 2007. Salt and Drought Tolerance of Transgenic Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge with the TaLEA1 Gene. J Plant Physiol Mol Biol, 33 (2), 109-114.

16. Yu J.N, Huang J., Wang Z.N., Zhang J.S., Chen S.Y. 2007. A novel Na+/H+ antiporter from wheat confers stress tolerance in yeast cells. J. Bioscience, 32(6), 1-9

17.Yu J.N., Zhang J.S., Shan L., Chen S.Y. 2005. Two New Group 3 LEA Genes of Wheat and Their Functional Analysis in Yeast. Acta Botanica Sinica. 47 (11), 1372-1381

18.Wang Y.J.,Yu J.N., Chen T., Zhang Z.G., Hao Y.J., Zhang J.S., Chen S.Y. 2005. Functiong analysis of a putative Ca2+ channel gene TaTPC1 from wheat. J. Exp. Bot. 422, 3051-3060


1.俞嘉宁,蔡云巧.农杆菌介导的活体幼胚转化获得转基因棉花的方法. 2018,专利号:CN201510148155.4.

2.俞嘉宁,王蕾,何鹏,周丹丹.棉花子叶瞬时表达外源基因的方法. 2013,专利号:CN201310207265.4

3.俞嘉宁,常淑芬,田莉莉.人工合成抗蚜虫基因ASGNA及其合成方法和应用. 2013,专利号:CN201310087310.7


1.RNA编辑调控植物生长发育机制研究. 2022.陕西省高等学校科学技术成果二等奖 (第一完成人)

2. 生长素调控植物生长发育分子机理研究. 2021.陕西省高等学校科学技术成果一等奖 (第二完成人)

3.构建五级实训基地,创立“一中心二重点三融合”生命科学类公司产品新体系. 2022. 陕西省高等教育(研究生)教学成果一等奖.(第二完成人);

4.基于五级实训基地建立“一中心二重点三融合”公司产品模式的创新与实践. 2019.陕西省学位与研究生教育学会成果奖一等奖.(第三完成人)